My Greenplan
Our Forests
Unit Transfer Register
Our Company
Boltaway Partnership
Boltaway Partnership 41
View Gallery
Partnership Details
Year Planted
Number Of Units Issued
Initial Purchase Price (NZD)
Forest Management Data
Last Operation
Average Pruned height(m)
Pruned stems per hectare
Average Dos(cm)
Average total height(m):
Tree Growth
Forest Location:
Mahoenui, between SH3 and Taumatamaire Road.
View gallery
Boltaway 41 Boundary
Boltaway 2002
Boltaway 2005 (1)
Boltaway 2005
Boltaway 2007
Boltaway 2011
Boltaway 2011 (1)
Boltaway 2011 (2)
2022 - Boltaway 41 (1).jpg
2022 - Boltaway 41 (2).jpg
2022 - Boltaway 41 (3).jpg
2022 - Boltaway 41.jpg
2018 - Boltaway 41
2018 - Boltaway 41 (1)
2024 Boltaway 41 - Partnership photo 1.jpg
2024 Boltaway 41 - Partnership photo 2.jpg
My Greenplan
Our Forests
Arapito Partnerships
Arapito Partnership 1
Arapito Partnership 2
Arapito Partnership 3
Arapito Partnership 4
Arapito Partnership 5
Arapito Partnership 6
Arapito Partnership 7
Arapito Partnership 8
Arapito Partnership 9
Arapito Partnership 10
Arapito Partnership 11
Arapito Partnership 12
Arapito Partnership 28
Aratoro Partnerships
Aratoro Partnership 13
Aratoro Partnership 14
Aratoro Partnership 20
Awakino River Partnerships
Awakino River Partnership 16
Awakino River Partnership 17
Awakino River Partnership 19
Barker Partnership
Barker Partnership 18
Big Valley Partnership
Big Valley Partnership 55
Big Valley
Boltaway Partnership
Boltaway Partnership 41
Boltaway (1)
Brakeside Partnerships
Brakeside Partnership 23
Cattlestop Partnership
Cattlestop Partnership 35
Centurion Partnership
Centurion Partnership 45
Clearwater Partnership
Clearwater Partnership 42
Clearwater (1)
Coach Road Partnership
Coach Road Partnership 30
Ducksfield Partnership
Ducksfield Partnership 53
Dunmore North Partnership
Dunmore North Partnership 48
Dunmore West Partnership
Dunmore West Partnership 47
Dunmore West
Gateway Partnership
Gateway Partnership 36
Glen Afton Partnership
Glen Afton Partnership 54
Glen Afton
Greatwood Partnership
Greatwood Partnership 57
Headwaters Partnership
Headwaters Partnership 52
Hidden Valley Partnership
Hidden Valley Partnership 56
Huntaway Partnership
Huntaway Partnership 40
Jones Partnership
Jones Partnership 39
Jubilee Partnership
Jubilee Partnership 50
Jubilee (1)
Millennium Partnership
Millennium Partnership 44
Miners Creek Partnership
Miners Creek Partnership 37
Miners Creek
Minormore Partnership
Minormore Partnership 49
Moonlight Partnership
Moonlight Partnership 31
Pig & Whistle Partnership
Pig & Whistle Partnership 34
Pinegrove Partnership
Pinegrove Partnership 60
Pinegrove Partnership 61
Rhodes Partnership
Rhodes Partnership 29
Rim Rock Partnership
Rim Rock Partnership 33
River Road Partnership
River Road Partnership 24
Scotts Bush Partnership
Scotts Bush Partnership 63
Slab Hut Partnership
Slab Hut Partnership 21
Slab Hut
Slab Hut Partnership 22
Slab Hut
Slab Hut (1)
Slab Hut (2)
Smith Partnership
Smith Partnership 25
Squires Creek Partnership
Squires Creek Partnership 38
Stockyards Partnership
Stockyards Partnership 32
Tin Whare Partnership
Tin Whare Partnership 26
Touchwood Partnership
Touchwood Partnership 27
Tunnel Rock Partnership
Tunnel Rock Partnership 46
Tunnel Rock
Twin Rivers Partnership
Twin Rivers Partnership 51
Waipa Valley Partnership
Waipa Valley Partnership 15
Wayleggo Partnership
Wayleggo Partnership 62
Whitecliffs Partnership
Whitecliffs Partnership 59
Whitecliffs (1)
Wild Boar Partnership
Wild Boar Partnership 43
Woodview Partnership
Woodview Partnership 58
Unit Transfer Register
About The Unit Transfer Register
The Secondary Market
Annual Reports
Arapito Lodge Accommodation
Understanding Forestry
Investor News
2022 Partnership AGM Meeting Minutes
2021 Partnership AGM Meeting Minutes
2020 Partnership AGM Meeting Minutes
2019 Partnership AGM Meeting Minutes
2018 Partnership AGM Meeting Minutes
2017 Partnership AGM Meeting Minutes
Greenplan Investor Advisory Panel (GIAP)
2023 Partnerships 1-8 AGM Meeting Minutes
2023 Partnerships 9-63 AGM Meeting Minutes
Forest Reports
2023 Forest Report
2022 Forest Report
2021 Forest Report
2020 Forest Report
2019 Forest Report
2018 Forest Report
2017 Forest Report
2016 Forest Report
2015 Forest Report
2014 Forest Report
2013 Forest Report
2024 Greenplan Summer Newsletter
2023 Greenplan Autumn Newsletter
2022 Greenplan Winter Newsletter
2021 Greenplan Summer Newsletter
2021 Greenplan Winter Newsletter
2020 Greenplan Summer Newsletter
2019 Greenplan Summer Newsletter
2019 Greenplan Winter Newsletter
2018 Greenplan Summer Newsletter
2018 Greenplan Autumn Newsletter
2012 Greenplan Spring Newsletter
2011 Greenplan Summer Newsletter
2011 Greenplan Winter Newsletter
December 2009 Greenplan Forestry Summer Newsletter
Archived Forest Reports
2012 Forest Report
2011 Forest Report
2010 Forest Report
2009 Forest Report
2007 Forest Report
2006 Forest Report
2004 Forest Report
Archived Investor Information
2010 October Carbon Update
2010 May Carbon Update
2008 June Kyoto Forest Assocation
2007 June Field Day Postponed
2007 May Letter to Members of Parliament
2003 November Log Prices Begin to Rebound
2003 October Building Practices Key as China Welcomes NZ Pine
2003 September Paper Trail Leads to New Hope for Forestry
2003 August What Age Should You Harvest?
2003 July How 'Good' is Greenplan
2003 July Danish Choosing Radiata for Furniture
2003 June Gone
2003 June Timber Goes 'Pure' for Europe
2003 June Forestry Firms Branch Out to Estate Managers
2003 May Environmental Appraisal News Release
GIAP Contact Details
GIAP Contact Details
Our Company
About Greenplan Forestry
Social Responsibility
An Environmental Appraisal
Our Vision
Our Team
1. Topical Matters
1. Why have the annual capital contributions increased?
2. I don’t have to pay annual costs for any of my other investments so why do I have to for my investment in the Forestry Partnerships?
3. What ongoing monitoring of the forests is undertaken?
4. What is remedial felling and why is it needed?
5. Who is responsible for remedial felling?
6. Who pays the costs of remedial felling?
7. How will I know if remedial felling has been undertaken in respect of the Forestry Partnership that I own units in?
8. How is surplus money associated with remedial felling managed?
9. Has there been any damage to the trees within the Forestry Partnerships?
10. What happens if the forests are destroyed?
2. Harvesting and Marketing Manager
1. Has a Harvesting and Marketing Manager been appointed?
3. Harvesting
1. Which of the Forestry Partnerships have commenced harvesting?
2. How was it decided to begin Arapito Forestry Partnerships 1 – 8?
3. When will you commence harvesting the trees for each of the Forestry Partnerships?
4. Who decides when harvesting will commence?
5. What will be the approach to harvesting?
4. Returns
1. Where can I get a valuation of my unit(s) in a Forestry Partnership?
2. When will the actual value of the units in a Forestry Partnership be known?
3. What are the factors in determining the value of the units in Forestry Partnership?
4. What is the key factor currently that is affecting the value of the units in Forestry Partnerships?
5. Arapito Forests 1-8 Returns Estimate
It is important to be aware that estimates and projections are not a guarantee of future performance.
It is also important to remember that the value of your investment in a Forestry Partnership may go up or down depending on a range of factors which are discussed in Section 4 above.
1. The Prospectus issued in 1994 for the Arapito Partnerships 1 - 8 states a forecast return of $72,000. Why is this different to the Harvest Plan estimate?
2. Who estimated the value of a unit in the Arapito Forestry Partnerships 1 – 8 of $21,000 as stated in the Autumn 2023 Newsletter published by Greenplan?
3. Why is the estimated value of a unit in the Arapito Forestry Partnerships 1 – 8 only being published now?
6. Financial Information
1. Where can I get up to date financial information about the Forestry Partnerships that I have invested in?
7. My Financial Returns & Tax
Note: This is general information only and does not constitute professional advice. We recommend that you seek professional advice from a registered tax agent or accountant.
1. How and when should I expect a Financial Return?
2. Am I required to pay tax on any returns on my investment in a Forestry Partnership?
8. Carbon Credits
1. What is the ETS (Emissions Trading Scheme) and what are carbon credits?
2. Which Forestry Partnerships have carbon credits?
3. Why don’t these Forestry Partnerships have carbon credits?
4. What does it mean to have carbon credits in the context of a Forestry Partnership?
9. Buying and Selling Units in a Forestry Partnership
1. How can I buys and sell units?
2. What is the Secondary Market?
3. Who sets the price of the units on the Secondary Market?
4. Can Greenplan provide guidance on the price to sell a unit in a Forestry Partnership?
5. What fees are associated with buying and selling units on the Secondary Market?
10. Communication
1. What communication can I expect from Greenplan and when can I expect communication from Greenplan?
11. Regulatory Requirements
1. Whose who?
2. What regulatory oversight is Greenplan subject to?